Characters Here enter the protagonist, secondary and tertiary characters. In a traditional story all these are the ones who are going to live in the world you created for them, in a fictional adventure. In terms of marketing, the protagonist has to be your audience and not exactly literally , although they do have to be able to identify with the actions of said character and with what you are telling them. 3. Conflict Well they say that if
everything were rosy in the stories they would be a bit boring. In fact, this is one of the reasons why we look for stories, we like them because they tend to be very interesting, it takes us out of the rut and shakes our emotions. And how can you choose the type of fax number list conflict? Find a problem, complications, obstacles, enemies and antagonists that your characters can overcome. Think about the needs of your customers. 4. Resolution Has it happened to you that you really like a work but its ending does not convince you?
That's because the resolution of the story must be as important as the beginning, it must be coherent and satisfying. If it is a literary work, it is necessary to connect the dots and close the stories of the secondary characters. If it is a marketing content you should not forget to use a CTA . The Structure: The Hero's Journey The most famous and used structure is the so-called "hero's journey" that was proposed by Joseph Campbell, in order to analyze the way in which many of the epic works were written.